Love + Popcorn
It's February, fellow popcorn enthusiast. Can you even believe it?! January felt like it lasted a decade!
During this chilly month, we celebrate love, and I hope life grants you time each day this month to cherish who and what you truly love.
Of course, in addition to my dear hubby and snowshoeing, I love popcorn. And I love the opportunity to share my devotion to gourmet popcorn with you.
More than a decade has passed since I bet it all on my "little popcorn business that could". Each day, I think about the fact that you've made it possible.
Recently, I met a customer whose beloved mother's favorite pastime was kettle-cooking popcorn nightly! That interaction deeply touched my heart.
I love learning about family traditions that feature gourmet popcorn kernels. While butter and salt is an obvious hit, folks also love olive oil spritzed onto fresh batches of popcorn with a sprinkle of sea salt. Specialty salts or sugar and cinnamon are sure winners. Or you might enjoy a melange of herbs or a dash of fiery spices. And let us not forget the B-vitamin-rich brewer's yeast.
Are you getting any new ideas here? Clearly, popcorn fanatics like us enjoy a diverse range of topping options!
When people relay their heartwarming popcorn stories, I think about the deep roots of my personal popcorn adventure. Producing artisan popcorn each week connects me across time to my grandfather, who would season fresh batches with salt and just-melted butter before lovingly sharing them with his offspring.
This passion also connects me to my dad, a food scientist who shares my love of experimenting with new flavor combinations. Perhaps the inspiration to search for the right blend of organic popcorn varieties for the optimal flavor was simply in my genes!
Since you love gourmet popcorn as much as I do, we get to share a deep appreciation for artisan snacks, thoughtfully curated kernel blends, and scrumptious popcorn recipes attentively crafted with organic ingredients.
Wow! That's my main message today. Simply, "Wow!"
From the bottom of my heart -- pardon the Valentine's pun -- thank you for your continued loyalty to my small, woman-owned business.
PS: If you're trying to "switch it up" this Valentine's Day, consider giving your valentine well-crafted, artisan popcorn instead of chocolate. No matter how you mark this Valentine's Day, may you feel loved all year!